CE21 Blog
stay tuned with ce21 features, services and thoughts

John Davis, CEO of CE21 by day and a part-time farmer, proudly raises Hank, the infamous emu.
Hank serves as the inspiration behind CE21’s social media and blog, embodying a curious prehistoric bird eager to explore the world.
Follow Hank’s adventures through CE21’s blog posts, where he engages CE21 staff to learn about the latest features of the CE21 Trident LMS and Lighthouse AMS platform.

CE21 Lighthouse: The Power of ONE
One: the number denoting unity Marriam-Webster "ONE" is the underlying inspiration that led to what has become CE21 Lighthouse. The idea for Lighthouse was born from the ambitious desire to create one system that would bring together learning management (LMS) and...
Are Hybrid Events the New Normal ? Part 3
Hybrid conferences certainly weren’t born out of the pandemic. Organizations have been holding virtual and hybrid events for a few years. As with all things technology driven, the ease of producing virtual/hybrid events has improved while the costs associated with...

Are Hybrid Events the New Normal? Part 2
More than 4.5 million vaccinations were administered in one day last week, a record according to US health officials. The steady uptick in vaccination rates is further evidence that things are slowly improving and that we are making progress towards a time when our...

Are Hybrid Events the New Normal?
We’re now officially one year into the pandemic and probably the most common question on the top of everyone’s mind is when will things return to normal? A great question that is extremely tough to answer, simply because it evokes a larger question – what’s “normal?”...
2020 is Truly Hindsight
Remember January 2020? It seems like eons ago. A kinder gentler time, full of hope and optimism. New events on the horizon. More opportunities to meet, collaborate and learn with our friends and colleagues. CE21 entered 2020 with great anticipation and a positive...