CE21 Sharing Marketplace
The CE21 Sharing Marketplace allows partners to exchange educational content, enabling users to share their top content and integrate programs from others to enrich their library. The marketplace helps extend audience reach and increase revenue, enabling a stronger return on educational investments.
The Sharing Marketplace offers two distinct revenue-driving options:
Leverage the power of a broader network by sharing your content within the sharing marketplace, allowing other organizations to integrate it into their education libraries.
Set your own pricing and earn revenue from each program sale.
Expand your content’s reach to new markets, industries, and regions, maximizing its impact and value beyond your current audience.
Quickly fill content gaps in your catalog, whether across the board or within specific categories.
Select from high-quality programs offered by industry-leading speakers to add value to your catalog offerings.
With flexible pricing options, you can generate revenue from program sales, boosting both catalog variety and your bottom line. Share IN and win!
CE21 distributes a monthly Sharing Marketplace Digest to showcase content from our partners, offering a curated selection across various subjects and disciplines that may align with your organization’s interests.
Learn more about our CE21 and our sharing network…