Hanging with Hank: Exploring CE21 University

by | May 27, 2022 | Documentation, Technology, Thought Leadership

Hanging with Hank: Exploring CE21 University

By Hank

Hank the Emu chats with Lisa Wise, CE21’s Vice President of Product and Client Management, to explore CE21 University (CE21U), our training library. 


Hank: Welcome, Lisa! What is CE21 University (CE21U)?  

Lisa: CE21U is a video library compiled of resources intended to educate our CE21 clients. Launched in 2021, the CE21U catalog is a frequent destination for you to check out the most recent content to help make working in CE21 platform even easier, sign up for future programs in our webinar series, and access recordings of our previous programs. It helps our clients onboard with ease and stay up to date on our products on demand. CE21’s goal is to empower you to more effectively use our products.


Hank: As VP of Product and Client Management, how do you use CE21U to engage with our clients? 

Lisa: CE21U allows clients to experience our platform as a user by allowing you to search the CE21U catalog, register for the webinar trainings and see what the viewer looks like during the actual seminar. This is key to our clients being able to set up their own catalog for their users. This means that CE21U is not just a training on how it works but a tutorial on how it looks. Sometimes you don’t need a training video for some of your questions, you just need some quick help. In these cases, clients can use the Need Help button within manager to get to our checklists and other training resources 


Hank: What are some key topics the CE21U covers? 

Lisa: We start off by making sure each new client and their staff go through the full onboarding experience. This is where we go over the basics of the products and the platform. Then we will dive deeper into the features that mean the most to the client. Because needs can change, sometimes the features our clients need to know about changes. So we have all of our training content available on demand. An extra cool feature is that all videos have closed captioning so you can keyword search in the transcripts to jump directly to that portion of the video.


Hank: What are some upcoming CE21U webinars our clients can look forward to? 

Lisa: We are updating our Smart Lists and will have a webinar out once that is complete. We will also be rolling out our Mass Email Marketing tool in the coming weeks, so we will be creating training content for that. We have broken our catalog down by category to make it a bit easier to find things. Any new live programs we put on will always be found at the top of our catalog. 


Hank: Is there anything new that we can expect from CE21U? 

Lisa: Starting in August, we plan to have office hours once a month where clients can meet with me and another member of our Client Services team to pick our brains and ask questions about the products. The first few dates to register for these new office hours are already posted! Stay tuned to the monthly Navigator to get links to register! 


Watch their full conversation here: